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Africa & Milano
I centri sociali milanesi sono degli importanti punti di aggregazione anche per l'elaborazione e la diffusione della cultura africana a Milano.
Vi si tengono concerti e spettacoli di musicisti e gruppi africani e/o afro-italiani che incontrano sempre pi� il favore del pubblico e che spesso sono collegati a iniziative di solidariet� e cooperazione con le realt� africane.
Il CHIAPAS (v. Moncucco 29) ospita una sera alla settimana la comunit� capoverdiana di Milano: si possono mangiare piatti tipici e ballare ritmi afro.
Spesso e volentieri ospita stage e corsi di danza e/o percussioni africane.
Il BULK (v. Niccolini angolo v. Bramante, tel. 0234934549) ha recentemente ospitato una mostra-iniziativa-spettacolo per promuovere un progetto di multiculturalit� e solidariet� del CRIC in Senegal.
Dahlak i Kista, Sibeliusgången 44 - Restauranger i Kista - Opendi ...
De erbjuder: Restauranger .
I Kista finns det 14 andra Restauranger.
En översikt finns här.
Pentridge Station Beer Garden Gets Opening Date – Philadelphia ...
The family-friendly community space will debut later this month in Cedar Park.
Back in April, we reported that an out-of-the-way block in West Philly’s Cedar Park neighborhood might get a new beer garden and community gathering spot from a team that includes Dahlak bar and entertainment manager Ephream Amare Seyoum.
Last week, one of the organizers, Jocelyn DeGroot-Lutzner, announced to a neighborhood Facebook group that the clearing of the vacant lot on the 5100 block of Pentridge Street has begun, and Pentridge Station has an opening date.
After seeking support from neighborhood residents and the Cedar Park Neighbors zoning committee, Pentridge Station received approval to open on select dates throughout the summer.
The beer garden is scheduled to open on June 23rd and operate at 5112-5120 Pentridge Street on Thursday through Sunday evenings through September 16th.
International restaurants in Washington DC - Thrillist
Fast Gourmet, U Street A gas station might not be your first thought when it comes to seeking out a fine meal.
But just North of U Street is a gas station where the line for food is much longer than the line to fill up.
This Uruguyan diner has plenty on its menu, but you're ordering the chivito, a sando loaded with meats (tenderloin, ham, and bacon, among others), hard boiled eggs, mozzarella cheese, and so many other things that the bread has a hard time keeping it all inside.
Though, that won't stop you from adding a fried egg.
Dahlak Eritrean Bar & Restaurant | University City District
Enjoy fine Ethiopian and Eritrean foods and eating traditions at the popular Dahlak.
Dahlak offers a variety of excellent entrees featuring dishes made of beef, chicken and lamb, as well as vegetarian delights.